pmxboard Offers World's Most Comprehensive and Rich Scrum and Kanban Whiteboard Options
pmxboard owns the design of its products 100%. We have developed wide range of Kanban Whiteboard options for you to choose. Either you want to build an effective and sustainable Kanban Board on your existing Whiteboard, or you want to use one of the pmxboard's Full Kanban Whiteboard Magnetic Sets, we have got you covered!
All PMXBoard products have undergone extensive testing and iterative design changes over several years to achieve perfection. We have worked diligently to ensure that our products' functionality meets and exceeds your expectations.
We do not want to our customers to be happy only when they purchase their product, we want to our customers to be happy with their products in the long run and spread the word out for us! Every single item in all of PMXBoard products are premium products, no short cuts!
Various sets in our portfolio offers not only the highest quality but also the highest value in terms of content, the quantity of the items in the sets, and all the accessories come with it to make it worth of your money!
Kanban Whiteboard Layout
Either you have a whiteboard and you want to create your Kanban Board on it, or you want a full solution from one of the PMXBoard's full Agile Board Solutions and you have everything you need in one set, we have got you covered! Choose what you need from PMXBoard's rich agile project management portfolio!
Here are the typical Kanban and Scrum Board Columns;
Here are the typical Kanban and Scrum Board Columns;
- Backlog; Place to park all the tasks needed to complete the sprint or the project
- To Do; All the tasks picked from Backlog that needs to be worked on
- In Progress; Cards that are assigned to a team member and work has begun on them.
- Validate; Tasks that need validation
- Done; All completed tasks